A first look into the RightsCon Costa Rica program: Launching the session list.

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Are you ready for the record-breaking program that’s waiting for you at RightsCon Costa Rica (June 5-8, 2023)? Take a look at the session list, which we’ve just released! Explore the session list

Our first-ever hybrid program will feature many record-breaking numbers, but first and foremost, it will showcase our hybrid model, expanding accessibility and inclusion through virtual convening, while returning to the magic of in-person meetings, which many of our community members missed.

We received over 1880 proposals this year, a 60% increase from 2022, and a 30% increase from 2020, when we hosted RightsCon Online for the first time. The competition was steep, even with our 19 program categories and crucial input from 60+ Program Committee members. Along with this growth in numbers, we’ve also seen increasing diversification of voices in our community-sourced program, with greater representation of women and nonbinary folk, languages, and regions.


The program at RightsCon Costa Rica will feature:

  • 660+ sessions (as compared to 560 in 2022)
  • 689 institutions (as compared to 543 in 2022)
  • 106 countries (as compared to 92 in 2022)
  • 19 program categories
  • 6 session formats: dialogues, roundtables, workshops, private meetings, lightning talks, and tech demos
  • 3 hosting options: in-person, online, hybrid
  • 4 hybrid elements: one-way, playback, two-way, repeat
  • 4 intersecting themes

Can’t wait to start choosing sessions to participate in? On May 22, we’ll be releasing the finalized program, so make sure you’re registered to start building your personalized schedule. Register now

Have a question about the program or session list? Send us an email at rightscon@accesnow.org.



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