Internet Society: Internet Shutdowns for Journalists – Africa

n just the first half of 2023, we’ve witnessed an alarming 35 instances of government-enforced Internet shutdowns. These actions, often framed as solutions to civil unrest, misinformation, or exam cheating, are on the rise globally.
The ramifications of Internet shutdowns are far-reaching—crippling economies, eroding societal trust, and infringing upon human rights, including the freedom of the press. Journalists are at the forefront of exposing these issues and advocating for change.
To ensure that journalists are equipped with both policy understanding and technical know-how on reporting Internet shutdowns, the Internet Society is holding a series of seminars for journalists working in the following regions:
- 18 October, 05:30 UTC: South Asia (in English)
- 1 November, 09:00 UTC: MENA (Simultaneous translation Arabic <> English)
- 8 November, 09:00 UTC: Africa (Simultaneous translation English <> French)
Convert UTC time
During the seminars, participants will have the opportunity to:
- Better understand the motivations behind government-imposed Internet shutdowns
- Take a deep dive into the history and policy landscape of shutdowns
- Learn about the various forms of shutdowns and their technical nuances
- Explore the societal and economic impacts
- Learn strategies for circumventing Internet restrictions
- And much more…
Please register your interest using the form below. After successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email, with additional details to follow.
Note: Due to limited availability, we can’t guarantee a spot for everyone. Participants must be working journalists in India, the MENA region or in Africa or report frequently on Internet and technology in these regions.